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Building Permit Application
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Development Variance Permit Application
Development Variance Permit Application Guide
Dog licence application
Liquor and Cannabis Licence Application
OCP Amendment Application
Rezoning Application- Form
Sign Permit Application
Temporary Use Application
Village of Burns Lake- Municipal Resident Guide FoodCycler
Water and Sewer Connection Application

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Emergency Contacts

Police, Fire, Medical




The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are responsible for law enforcement in the Municipality.
Phone: 250 692‑7171
Address: 147 Hwy 35
Mailing Address: PO Box 759 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0


Fire Chief: 250 692‑7587
In case of a wildfire contact the Ministry of Forests, Protection Branch
Call toll free 1 800 663‑5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.


Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre 250 692‑2400
Burns Lake Medical Clinic 250 692‑3111


Notice is hereby given that First Reading of “Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1074, 2024 (Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing)” will take place during the Village of Burns Lake Council Meeting on May 21, 2024.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1074 amends “Village of Burns Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 880, 2008” (the Zoning Bylaw) to:

  • allow a minimum of two dwelling units per parcel within all residential zones;
  • amend the definition of duplex and add definitions for triplex and fourplex;
  • remove size restrictions on secondary suites;
  • move residential use with restrictions from principal use to accessory use within the C1 and C2 Zones; and
  • align building height and rear yard setbacks to the provincial recommended standard for residential zones.

Recent changes to the Local Government Act require local governments to allow in their zoning regulations:

  • at least one additional housing unit (a secondary suite) within a detached dwelling that would otherwise be a single-family dwelling, or
  • at least one additional housing unit within another building on the same parcel or parcels of land on which a detached single-family dwelling is located in applicable zones.

The amendments to the Zoning Bylaw contained in Bylaw No. 1074 are proposed to meet these provincial requirements, align with the Provincial Policy Manual and Site Standards, and support residential development within the Village.

Any persons who believe that their interests may be affected by the proposed bylaw may provide a written submission to the Village Office at 15-3rd Avenue, Burns Lake, BC; by mail to P.O. Box 570, Burns Lake, BC, V0J 1E0; or by e-mail to Written submissions must be received by the Village of Burns Lake no later than May 21, 2024, at 1:00 P.M. to be ensured of consideration.

A copy of the proposed bylaw and other relevant information may be inspected at the municipal office between the hours of 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, until May 21, 2024.  A copy of the bylaw and other relevant information is also available below.

For further information please call the Village of Burns Lake at 250-692-7587.

Corporation of the Village of Burns Lake Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1074, 2024

SSMUH Provincial Policy Manual