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The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are responsible for law enforcement in the Municipality.
Phone: 250 692‑7171
Address: 147 Hwy 35
Mailing Address: PO Box 759 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0


Fire Chief: 250 692‑7587
In case of a wildfire contact the Ministry of Forests, Protection Branch
Call toll free 1 800 663‑5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.


Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre 250 692‑2400
Burns Lake Medical Clinic 250 692‑3111

Village of Burns Lake

Village Heights Master Plan

The Village of Burns Lake has contracted TRUE Consulting with the support of Plan North Consulting to facilitate in the development of a community master plan for the Village Heights area. The project will involve land use and infrastructure planning along with a stakeholder and public engagement process.


  • Provide Council, Village staff, and residents with a ‘road map’ to help guide how the plan area will and can be developed over time
  • Provide a plan for adequate infrastructure to ensure appropriate levels of service to neighbouring development as well as future residents and businesses
  • Provide direction in terms of future transportation connectivity
  • Provide direction to Village staff when evaluating future planning applications
  • Will serve as a marketing tool that can be posted on the Village website and shared with prospective developers, home builders and realtors

Village Heights Master Plan Area

What We Heard

On September 21st a Public Information Meeting was held to kick-of the Village Heights Community Master Plan process. Approximately 35 people attended the in-person event.

Below is a summary of the comments from those who attended the Public Information Meeting. Comments were provided on sticky notes as well as through feedback forms. There are many themes that emerged throughout the comments; where possible we have consolidated these themes to capture general sentiments and project priorities.

Residential Land Use

  • Include a mix of high density and single-family homes
  • Need apartment buildings
  • Larger lots for ranchettes
  • Smaller houses for people who work for min. wage
  • One level duplexes and 4-plexes for seniors
  • Ensure a mix of residential uses
  • Accessible housing for seniors
  • Need a balanced mix of multi-family housing
  • More 2-bdrm homes
  • Larger view lots overlooking Burns Lake
  • Would like to see gated, maintained strata housing option
  • An opportunity to provide affordable housing to people and seniors in need
  • Should be a mix of housing styles and sizes

Commercial Land Use

  • Neighbourhood commercial uses would be a step in the right direction
  • We have local commercial uses downtown
  • New opportunities for business is always great
  • Commercial uses cause noise and garbage
  • Localise these developments
  • Financial service uses would be nice
  • Auto repair type uses should say close to Hwy.
  • Poor location for commercial
  • Keep commercial in downtown core
  • Downtown has limited accessibility, new buildings will improve this
  • Limit commercial development to small businesses only


  • Wildlife/environment need to be protected and addressed in any development plan
  • No motorized bikes, ATVs or snowmobiles
  • Walking paths or bike paths only
  • Possible reduced access for ATV/sleds for those east of town going toward Boer Mtn.
  • This is beautiful property for nature walks
  • Winter skating trail
  • Accessible, accessible, accessible
  • Walking trails only
  • All structures should be eco-friendly: solar, thermal, carbon neutral
  • A mix for all users
  • All structures should be built with fire smart materials
  • Walking trails that exist should be included in development
  • Allow for a bike trail connecting Rod Reid to Village Heights

Future Land Use Plan

The Future Land Use Plan provides a long-term perspective and illustrates where the Village would prefer to direct various land uses (residential, commercial, institutional, parks, etc.) as the neighbourhood builds out.

  • Council will use the Village Heights Master Plan to help guide future development
  • The market will determine timing of development.
  • The Village’s role is to facilitate the development application process by reviewing proposed development and ensuring it meets Village policies and regulations.


Complete communities provide housing that meets the needs of its diverse population. Variants in age, ability, and income amongst residents result in different housing requirements. The plan aims to:

  • Support a mix of housing types, sizes and tenure
  • Allow for single detached homes on standard lots, duplexes, secondary suites, garden suites
  • Encourage multi-family development (townhouses) in areas close to the collector road
  • Direct more intensive forms of housing including multi-family and apartments to the village core
  • Provide for more affordable housing options and variety of housing types as highlighted in the Burns Lake Housing Needs Report (2020)
  • Allow for medium and high-density development which will help provide more rental options


Commercial areas provide employment opportunities, meet the daily retail and service needs of residents and provide places to connect with neighbours. The plan calls for:

  • Creation of a vibrant mixed-use commercial and residential development in the village core
  • Developer in which commercial uses are situated at ground level, while residential units would be located on the second/third floor
  • Provide for neighbourhood commercial uses that would support the immediate area
  • Discourage uses more suited to the central business district and highway commercial corridor
  • Ground floor commercial uses must be visible, active and accessible for pedestrians
  • Building and public realm design will create inviting spaces for area residents

Open Space, Parks & Trails

Open space, parks and trails are critical components of the Village Heights master plan. As Village Heights builds out over time it will be important to provide for a diversity of open space amenities. The open space, parks & trails plan offers:

  • A variety of pathways and off-road trails
  • Recognizes existing trails were possible
  • Ensures the neighbourhood has a network of interconnected trails
  • Establishes a neighbourhood park to meet the needs of future residents
  • Provides for pathways that are accessible for all ages and abilities
  • Protects areas with slopes exceeding 30%
  • Encourages green connections that could include sidewalks, street trees, signage, multi-use pathways, etc. to improv accessibility and enhance the pedestrian experience
  • Allows for a future pedestrian connection to Highway 16.
  • Plans for a future hiking/biking trail north to the Rod Reid Nature Trail

Mobility Network

Successful neighbourhoods provide transportation options that are accessible, safe and reliable for residents to move in and out of their neighbourhood. Within Village Heights there are opportunities to safely integrate cars, bikes and pedestrians.

  • Create a multi-use corridor from Aspen Drive/3rd Avenue to the village core
  • Create pedestrian connectivity and safety by proposing sidewalks throughout the plan area
  • Ensure there is pedestrian infrastructure that is universally accessible for everyone
  • Design a road / pathway network that minimizes slopes greater than 5%
  • Ensure connected sidewalk routes throughout the plan area
  • Provide bike lanes (multi-use pathway)
  • Promote a walkable community

Subdivision Servicing Plan

Proper servicing and infrastructure mean residents can move efficiently throughout their neighbourhood, have clean water to drink, appropriate sanitary services and stormwater management and the systems can function in times of emergency and high demand. Properly designed and constructed infrastructure are an integral part of neighbourhood planning.

  • Ensure there is appropriate infrastructure capacity to meet the demands of new residents
  • Ensure growth pays for growth and that capital projects are realized
  • Design infrastructure that can provide services to the industrial lands south of Highway 16 as economically as possible.
  • Develop a phasing plan that best utilizes existing infrastructure before requiring new or upgrading infrastructure

Development Phasing Plan

A phasing plan details which elements will be built first and which later, which decisions should be made early, and which should be allowed to evolve in response to future opportunities. A phasing plan should be planned around the potential to deliver infrastructure. The proposed phasing plan:

  • Provides staff with guidance on future OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments
  • Establishes a sequencing of construction activities that takes into consideration existing infrastructure
  • Is mindful of the requirements of MoTi with respect to connecting the collector road to Highway 16
  • Takes into consideration the need to extend services to the industrial lands south of Highway 16

Project Engagement

An important component in developing a master plan is community and stakeholder consultation. Community engagement strives to inform, consult, involve, and collaborate with community members throughout the planning process. In addition to regular internal meetings with Village staff and Council, the following engagement opportunities will be conducted as part of preparing the master plan:

  • The public were invited to a public information meeting at the outset of the project. Background information was shared with participants and feedback solicited
  • Public Open House (December 7, 2021)
    A public open house will be held in December to present the draft community master plan for review and feedback.
  • Online Survey (December 2021)
    An online survey is available for residents to offer input on key topic areas.
  • Advisory Working Group (ongoing)
    An Advisory Working Group (AWG) will be formed to provide advice, insight, and feedback to both the Project Team and Village Council throughout the length of the project.
    The AWG will meet monthly to discuss components of the master plan, which may include, but not be limited to land use, phasing, open space, servicing, and transportation.

Our Process

The project will include the following four key components:

Community and Stakeholder Consultation
  • Collect information and feedback from Village staff and Council
  • Consult key stakeholders (eg. MoTi, Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation, Lake Babine Nation, RDBN, developers, local community groups)
  • Public information meeting
  • Public open house
  • Online surveys
Infrastructure Servicing
  • Review existing infrastructure and servicing capacity
  • Develop infrastructure servicing concepts
  • Consider development phasing
  • Develop costs estimates for servicing the plan area
  • Review existing road network (classifications, capacity, network connections)
  • Consult key stakeholders (eg. MoTi, Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation, Lake Babine Nation, RDBN, developers, local community groups)
  • Discussions with MoTi regarding future intersection requirements (Hwy. 16)
  • Develop of roadway classifications, cross sections, and key connections
Master Plan Design
  • Prepare concept plans for consideration
  • Prepare land use plan and phasing plan
  • Prepare draft community master plan

Related documents

ATP Update Poster
Burns Lake Active Transportation Plan
Burns Lake and Area 55+ Housing Needs Assessment
Burns Lake Housing Needs Report
Existing Conditions Map Sept 2022
Zoning Bylaw

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