The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are responsible for law enforcement in the Municipality.
Phone: 250 692‑7171
Address: 147 Hwy 35
Mailing Address: PO Box 759 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0
Fire Chief: 250 692‑7587 In case of a wildfire contact the Ministry of Forests, Protection Branch
Call toll free 1 800 663‑5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.
Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre 250 692‑2400
Burns Lake Medical Clinic 250 692‑3111
Carbon Monoxide is colourless and odourless and can be fatal if exposure limits are reached. All homes that have natural gas or use wood heat should have a CO2 detector.
A burning permit is not required for small backyard burning. All burning in the village must conform to the BC Wildfire regulations for open burning. Backyard and Industrial Burning
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