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Administration Menu

Emergency Contacts

Police, Fire, Medical




The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are responsible for law enforcement in the Municipality.
Phone: 250 692‑7171
Address: 147 Hwy 35
Mailing Address: PO Box 759 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0


Fire Chief: 250 692‑7587
In case of a wildfire contact the Ministry of Forests, Protection Branch
Call toll free 1 800 663‑5555 or *5555 on most cellular networks.


Lakes District Hospital and Health Centre 250 692‑2400
Burns Lake Medical Clinic 250 692‑3111

FoodCycler™ The in-home food waste diversion solution!

Help tackle the challenge of reducing food waste. Support your community by testing this innovative technology!

What is required of me?

Not much! Purchase a FoodCycler™ from the Village at a discounted and subsidized cost, track your use once a week (for a period of 12 weeks) and then answer a brief exit survey. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Registration will be open for approximately two weeks. After the close of registration, the units will be shipped to the Village. Residents will be notified when the units arrive, and the units will be available for pick-up at the Village office during regular business hours.

May – July 2024 (12 Weeks)

Purchase Your Unit
FoodCycler™ FC-30: $150 CAD (+ tax)
FoodCycler™ Eco 5: $300 CAD (+ tax)

Pilot Duration
Divert your food waste using the FoodCycler™ for a period of 12 weeks. Track the amount of waste you divert with a tracking sheet (to be provided to you by the Village).

End Date
Fill out a closing survey (to be provided by the Village) about your experience using the FoodCycler™. Once complete, the FoodCycler™ is yours to keep!

Register at

  • Please select which model you are interested in (FC-30 or Eco 5).
    Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • You will be placed on a waitlist, but in the event that the program is expanded or units become available, you will receive a confirmation email and an invitation to purchase your FoodCycler.
  • After you receive your confirmation email, you are welcome to pay online (through Option Pay on the Village website) or pay at the time of pick-up.

Food Waste Pilot Project Flyer -page 1

Food Waste Pilot Project Flyer page 2